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Land plot for waste sorting line prepared at sanitary landfill

Preparatory work is underway to install the first mobile waste sorting line at the Bishkek sanitary landfill. Press service of the City Hall reported.

ReGreen specialists have determined the location of the future waste processing plant and are preparing a land plot for a mobile waste sorting line. It is planned to create about 80 jobs after its installation.

At the same time, LIKAB specialists are developing a feasibility study for a waste processing complex. Completion is expected by the end of September.

«The issue of transfer of 20 percent of the cost of building the large plant from investors to an account in a local bank is being decided to start work,» the City Hall added.

The City Hall reminded that a tender was held in May 2023 for the installation of the sorting line. The winner was ReGreen company. An agreement was signed between the representatives of the company and the City Hall of Bishkek on the installation of a mobile waste sorting line.

City Hall of the capital signed a protocol of intent to cooperate with the Czech consortium of companies HDT Impex s.r.o. and ReGreen s.r.o. and a roadmap for the implementation of a joint investment project for the construction of a waste processing complex.

The project for the reclamation of the Bishkek sanitary landfill and improvement of the situation with the disposal of municipal solid waste in the city began to be prepared back in 2011, the loan agreement was signed only in 2013, and ratified in 2015. As part of the project, EBRD and the European Union allocated €22 million in the form of a grant and a loan. A little over €6 million is left of the allocated amount.