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Chingiz Aidarbekov voted out of office of head of parliamentary committee

Five factions of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan demanded to remove a deputy Chingiz Aidarbekov from the post of head of the parliamentary committee on international affairs, defense and migration.

Deputy Gulya Kozhokulova called on the Speaker and colleagues to make decisions within the framework of the law. According to her, a political precedent is being created today.

«This precedent will affect each of you and all committee leaders. There are many disputes, but we must get the conclusion of the constitutional committee (Committee on Constitutional Legislation, State Structure, Judicial, Legal Issues and Regulations of the Parliament. — Note of 24.kg news agency). If we are talking about violation of the regulations, then we need a decision of this committee. There must be a conclusion of the legal service of Parliament. If we make a decision, then it must be within the law,» Gulya Kozhokulova said.

As a result, the deputies removed Chingiz Aidarbekov from the post of Chairman of the parliamentary committee on international affairs, defense and migration. At least 43 deputies voted for this decision, 16 — against.

The head of the Committee on International Affairs, Defense and Migration, Chingiz Aidarbekov, refused to sign the protocol adopted at the meeting, which considered the issue of supporting the draft agreement on the delimitation of certain sections of the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border.

Earlier, six members of the committee approved a draft agreement, according to which the land of Kempir-Abad reservoir with an area of ​​4,485 hectares was transferred to Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan will get 19,699 hectares.
