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Lukashenko: Consequences of Western sanctions will affect all EAEU countries

«Due to global format of economy and the fact that Russia and Belarus are your largest trade and economic partners, consequences of the sanctions will affect everyone to one degree or another,» the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

According to him, the EAEU countries managed to neutralize problems in the monetary and financial market. But the sanctions pressure is not weakening, but intensifying.

«Therefore, we cannot sit idle. I say this again to those who believe that everything will pass by itself and they will be able to sit out. We simply must unite and act as a united front. Everyone needs it. There is no other way out, if we want to preserve our statehood, our union, and really think about the welfare of our peoples. The joint steps we have already taken are proof of this. This applies to the decisions taken rather promptly by the Eurasian Economic Commission to improve the stability of the economies of the Union states. I believe that further we need to take urgent measures to reformat logistics,» the leader of Belarus said.

He noted that the EEC initiative to implement Eurasian Agroexpress project is of considerable interest. It is designed to ensure regular unimpeded deliveries of agricultural goods by rail. Alexander Lukashenko called for speeding up work on creation of new cooperation ties and import substitution.

«The EAEU has a good position in food security issues, however, due to the predicted roaring demand, close cooperation is needed to prevent shortages in our states. The issue of economic cooperation with third countries is of particular importance. We must not become isolated in the context of sanctions. I mean in the economic union. In addition to the collective West, there are enough states in the world that are ready to develop equal and respectful relations with us,» he concluded.
