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SCNS tells about detention of member of Butun Kyrgyzstan party Mirlan Uraimov

The State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) explained why Mirlan Uraimov, a supporter of the leader of Butun Kyrgyzstan party Adakhan Madumarov, was detained.

According to the press center of the state committee, the national security authorities, within the framework of pre-trial proceedings on the fact of dissemination of provocative materials on social media containing signs of a crime under Article 327 of the Criminal Code (public calls for a violent seizure of power), as well as on the basis of the evidence obtained within the case, detained a member of Butun Kyrgyzstan party Mirlan Uraimov on Tuesday and placed him in the temporary detention center of the SCNS.

Investigation is reportedly underway. The SCNS calls on citizens not to succumb to various kinds of anti-constitutional provocations and appeals sent out on social media and aimed at destabilizing the socio-political situation in the country that «plays into the hands» of the forces interested in destroying stability in Kyrgyzstan, taking into account the challenges and threats that the state is facing today.
