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Batyraliev: It is impossible to reorganize healthcare during pandemic

It is impossible to reorganize the healthcare system during the emergency situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Ex-Minister of Health of Kyrgyzstan, Talantbek Batyraliev, told 24.kg news agency.

According to him, the fight against COVID-19 is not over yet. «The doctors are tired, they are demoralized. The promised compensation was not paid; the infrastructure was not created. There is this reform now. Many may simply quit their jobs or go abroad. It seems that the fight against the pandemic in the Kyrgyz Republic has receded into the background, everyone got used to deaths, and planned, current patients have been abandoned at all,» Talantbek Batyraliev said.

He added that judging by clinical course, COVID-19 is a multidisciplinary, multisystemic disease. «Many die from concomitant diseases. If a person has a heart disease, a cardiologist should treat him, but there are no cardiologists in the infectious diseases hospital. Others have kidney pains, headaches. Such patients with coronavirus should not be treated by a resident physician, but by a specialist. From the very beginning, I am against such treatment as in the Kyrgyz Republic. There should be a multifunctional treatment of COVID-19 patients,» Talantbek Batyraliev stressed.

The Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan plans to merge, combine territorial centers of family medicine with territorial hospitals, family doctors’ groups, dental clinics and other institutions. The regional and city centers for disease prevention and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance will be reorganized in a similar way.
