The Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan proposes to introduce temporary regulation of prices for medicines and medical devices included in the list for treatment of COVID-19. The draft resolution was submitted for public discussion.
As a background statement says, a disruption occurred in the chain of production and supply of drugs because of the coronavirus pandemic worldwide, and there was a shortage of some items at all. Since Kyrgyzstan imports medicines, these problems have affected both the supply of medicines to the republic and their price.
An analysis of market prices has shown that the cost of medicines and medical devices has increased by more than 30 percent since the start of COVID-19 pandemic.
The ministry stresses that the state can introduce state regulation of prices for socially significant goods.
«Due to the fact that the list of drugs and medical products used to treat COVID-19 may vary depending on world practice and the availability of certain drugs in the country, it is proposed to authorize the Ministry of Health to approve the list. This will provide more efficient price regulation,» the document says.
In total, 6,767 cases of coronavirus infection have been registered in the republic. At least 2,655 people have recovered, 76 have died.