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Quota for foreign workers proposed to be reduced in Kyrgyzstan

The State Migration Service of Kyrgyzstan proposes to set a quota for foreign specialists employed in the real sector of the economy at 15,610 people in 2020. The state service submitted the relevant draft government order for public discussion.

The quota is set both for the republic as a whole, and for regions and sectors of the economy.

As a background statement says, the figure is calculated on the basis of plans for the implementation of large-scale national infrastructure projects with the participation of foreign companies in 2020, as well as changes in the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of migration.

In particular, restrictive standards for attraction of foreign workers of not more than 20 percent of the total number of employees were introduced in the republic in 2018. In case of exceeding the limit, an employer pays a multiple state fee. Fees for issue of work permits were also increased in April 2019.

The document stresses that the purpose of the draft resolution is to protect the national labor market from the uncontrolled influx of foreign labor force and the constitutional right of citizens of Kyrgyzstan to take vacant jobs.

The quota was set at 17,410 people in 2019.    
