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Scandal with E-passport forms. Dastan Dogoev interrogated as witness

Advisor to the President of the country Dastan Dogoev was interrogated as a witness in the criminal case on the procurement of forms for biometric passports. Lawyer Bakyt Osmonaliev informed 24.kg news agency.

«Dastan Dogoev has no relation to the tender for the purchase of passports,» said Bakyt Osmonaliev.

Recall, management of Infocom State Enterprise and the State Registration Service was arrested and placed in a detention center of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan. Talant Abdullayev, Director of Infocom State Enterprise, Daniyar Bakchiev, State Secretary and Ruslanbek Sarybaev, Deputy Chairman of SRS, were arrested by court decision. The latter headed the tender commission for the purchase of forms for biometric passports. He was placed under house arrest.

All three of them are charged with corruption.
