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Large-scale inventory of municipal land, property to take place in Bishkek

A large-scale inventory of municipal land and property will begin in Bishkek on April 1. The Bishkek City Administration reported.

It is noted that tough measures will be taken in relation to the invaders.

«Work on detection and return of land plots on the territory of educational facilities continues in Bishkek. There are proceedings around secondary school No. 58. In 2013, urban planning documents for provision of a part of the school’s territory for development were drawn up,» the Bishkek City Administration reported.

The Bishkek Main Architecture and Construction Department, State Register, Land Use and Construction Department were instructed to cancel previous decisions on the school’s territory and register the land plot as a territory of the secondary school No. 58 in the prescribed manner.

Vice Mayor Aziz Alymkulov also warned the heads of services of personal responsibility in preparation of urban planning and other documents.
