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Inventory of precious metals and stones to be subject to new rules

The Ministry of Economy and Commerce of Kyrgyzstan submitted a draft regulation on new rules for the inventory of precious metals and stones for public discussion.

The document says that the production, use and circulation of gold and silver, as well as their scrap and waste will be checked once a year using technological clearance of premises and equipment.

Inventory of precious metals and stones during their extraction or associated extraction intended for further production or refining will also be carried out annually, but only once.

In case of some technological operations periodicity may be increased by heads of enterprises at their discretion. Verification and accounting is mandatory in case of replacement of materially responsible officials on the day of delivery-acceptance of cases, after natural disasters, fires and when facts of loss and theft are established.

Inventory is carried out in due time regardless of unscheduled inspections.

Information on the movement of precious metals and stones contained, in particular, in raw materials, scrap and waste must be submitted to the Ministry of Finance within three working days.

The regulation also allows for the conclusion of written contracts on full financial responsibility with employees involved in the storage, processing, sale (release), transportation or use in the production process of precious metals and stones.

At the same time, the National Bank and Cabinet of Ministers are allowed to buy precious metals and stones for sale with the right of the state to preferential purchase.
