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First Deputy Prime Minister reports on management of state enterprises

Net profit from state-owned enterprises amounted to 336 million soms. The First Deputy Prime Minister Askarbek Shadiev said this at the meeting of Respublika — Ata Jurt parliamentary faction today.

According to him, the State Property Management Fund received dividends of 2,162 billion soms, from rent of buildings and premises — 111 million, from privatization — 1,156 billion soms.

According to the budget forecast for 2018/2019, the receipt of 4,736 billion soms into the treasury is expected.

«Last year, we did not have time to complete the inventory of state enterprises. The work will be finished this year. In addition, there were no normative legal documents on the management of state enterprises, we are working in this direction. We are introducing a new code of corporate governance,» he said.

The faction considers the effectiveness of the management of state-owned enterprises, joint-stock companies with state participation and nationalized facilities.
