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SDPK split. MP Irina Karamushkina invites colleagues to leave party

SDPK will offer members of the parliamentary faction, who do not want to work with the ex-president Almazbek Atambayev, to withdraw from the party. The Deputy Chairwoman of the party and a member of the deputy association of the Social Democrats, Irina Karamushkina, told  Azattyk.

According to her, the refusal of the faction to submit to the decision of the political council of SDPK on Isa Omurkulov was «a point of the split».

«The split will continue in the party. Sooronbai Sharipovich will hardly make some first steps. He, most likely, was offended by many statements of Almazbek Sharshenovich. There will be a split. This all will contribute to the party split. Today I would like to offer many members of the faction, if they are no longer going to work in SDPK party with Atambayev, to be honest and write statements of withdrawal, including deputies. Today, nothing prevents the Jeenbekovs and the team from forming a new party and going to the elections,» said Irina Karamushkina.

In her opinion, an interview with the ex-president of the country even more confirmed that the politics has separated the former fellow party members.

The deputy added that the party was only going to make a proposal to withdraw from SDPK, «because it is impossible to further develop the party.»

«First of all, deputies from SDPK faction became deputies due to the success of the entire party in the elections. The people did not vote separately for Isa Omurkulov, Dastan Bekeshev, Asylbek Jeenbekov or Irina Karamushkina. The people voted for the party, which in all regions declared its position, goals and objectives. Therefore, if people no longer want to work in SDPK, they should leave it. Because they will only hinder further development of the party,» she said.
