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Bishkek Emergency Medicine Center presented with new ambulances

The Emergency Medicine Center of Bishkek was presented with new ambulances.

According to the Vice Mayor of the capital Asel Kulambaeva, the city administration plans to purchase 6-7 new ambulances annually.

«The life of each citizen depends on the work of the ambulance. It is very important how quickly the team will reach a patient, what kind of qualified assistance will be provided,» she noted.

New cars will be distributed for servicing newly built quarters of Bishkek.

The head physician of the Center for Emergency Medicine, Iskender Shayakhmetov, expressed the hope that six new cars would improve the provision of emergency care.

«Our service is socially oriented, we provide assistance around the clock and free of charge to all residents of the city,» he stressed.

In addition to the Emergency Medicine Center, the city’s infant-feeding center also received two cars. One car was granted to the social service of Bishkek.
