USD 87.45
EUR 95.09
RUB 1.01

Kazakhstan bans import of 20 tons of grapes from Kyrgyzstan

Territorial inspectorates of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan stopped 29 attempts to illegally import into the republic 165.5 tons of quarantineable products of high phytosanitary risk. The press service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan reported.

It is noted that 141 tons of wheat from Russia, 2 tons of apples and 20 tons of grapes from Kyrgyzstan were imported without a mandatory phytosanitary certificate. In addition, when importing 2.5 tons of persimmon from Uzbekistan, a quarantine object was detected (Comstock worms — Pseudococcus comstocki (Kuwana).

Violators were brought to administrative responsibility, and the products were returned to the exporting countries.

Earlier, the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan imposed a ban on the import of meat from Kyrgyzstan.
