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Parliament deputy demands to ban Tablighi Jamaat in Kyrgyzstan

The deputy of the Parliament, Iskhak Masaliev, demands to ban the religious movement Tablighi Jamaat in Kyrgyzstan. He stated this today at a meeting of the Parliament.

According to him, the organization was blacklisted in the SCO countries. Kyrgyzstan, joining the convention on countering terrorism and extremism, assumes certain obligations and must recognize Tablighi Jamaat as extremist.

However, neither the State Committee for National Security nor Interior Ministry could answer to the deputies why Tablighi Jamaat members were working in Kyrgyzstan and not considered as the radicals.

How can we ratify the convention, if we do not prohibit an extremist organization? Have you at least read this document?

Iskhak Masaliev

There are 2,500 mosques in Kyrgyzstan.
