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Road Safety Department starts testing fines recording system

The State Committee for Information Technologies and Communications began transfer of the system of recording traffic rules violation to the Main Road Safety Department. Azamat Burzhuev, deputy head of the agency, told 24.kg news agency.

According to him, experts continue to test the system and eliminate errors and shortcomings. Work in this direction is carried out according to schedule. The system is now being transferred to the staff of the Road Safety Department.

«There is no talk about real fines so far. The employees of the department also need time to understand how the system works, how to properly draw up protocols on violation of traffic rules, and to test it,» said Azamat Burzhuev.

At the same time, the committee does not voice specific terms for launching the project in the industrial mode, when drivers will start getting fines notices.

The former Prime Minister Sapar Isakov launched the Smart City project. The new head of the Cabinet Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev stressed that the work on the implementation of Taza Koom and Smart City would continue.
