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Volume of customs payments in Kyrgyzstan almost doubled for month

Based on the results of January, the volume of customs payments almost doubled in Kyrgyzstan. The State Customs Service collected almost one billion soms more than planned. The Chairman of the State Customs Service Kubanychbek Kulmatov voiced such data at a meeting with the Prime Minister Sapar Isakov.

In January, the State Customs Service was to collect 1.9 billion soms of payments. The plan was overfulfilled by 46.2 percent, or by 907.3 million soms.

Following January, receipts from customs payments amounted to 2.8 billion soms.

At the same time, customs payments without duties amounted to 1,838.1 billion soms. The greatest increase in revenues was registered exactly in them — 90 percent: 870.8 million soms more than planned was collected. The import duty, coming in accordance with the agreement on EEU, replenished the budget by 1,33.2 billion soms. This is 3.7 percent (36.5 million soms) more than planned.

In 2017, the SCS collected customs payments for 34.2 billion soms. The plan was fulfilled by 98.4 percent.

«The first results of the reform, related to improvement of administration of customs payments, reduction in the level of corruption, for a month brought to the state budget almost twice as much as in the same period of 2017. We see the dynamics of receipts for customs authorities. These indicators are encouraging. In some customs authorities, receipts have grown several times. I am sure that there are reserves and great potential in the customs. I demand more decisive steps to combat corruption,» the head of the Cabinet Sapar Isakov summed up.
