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Deputies criticize government for choosing Huawei for Smart City

The government relied on the international authority of the Chinese company Huawei, and, before signing the contract, it negotiated for 2 months. Deputy Prime Minister Dair Kenekeev told today at a session of parliamentary faction Respublika-Ata Jurt.

However, the deputies do not share the optimism of officials. Deputy Jyrgalbek Turuskulov asked why the government entrusted a Chinese company, with which many countries of the world refused to work, with security of large cities of the Kyrgyz Republic.

«The United States, Australia, India refused to work with Huawei, since they believe that the company damages their national security,» the deputy stated.

The Vice Prime Minister assured that the company has a good international reputation and has experience in working with large multimillion cities in the world.

«They serve Shanghai, Guangzhou, as well as Dubai. Huawei has great authority in the international sphere. Huawei is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of telecommunications equipment. The staff of the company, which is represented on all continents, totals 170,000. According to experts, the company’s products and services are used by a third of the world’s population. I will not advertise the rest of their capabilities. We also know that the company is under the control of the Chinese government,» said Dair Kenekeev.
