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MIA, Prosecutor General's Office continue investigation of Boeing 747 crash

 The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General's Office continue to investigate the criminal case on the crash of Boeing 747. The First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Mukhammetkaliy Abulgaziev told today.

According to him, the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) is also completing its investigation. "The preliminary report indicates the fault of the crew. But there are disagreements between the Turkish bodies responsible for aviation policy and manufacturers of the aircraft. Therefore, the investigation continues," said Mukhammetkaliy Abulgaziev.

He noted that the work of the governmental commission for eliminating the consequences of the air crash was completed. All victims received assistance.

This tragedy once again showed the unity and friendship of the people of Kyrgyzstan. Nobody was indifferent to the accident. Some brought hot food, others - warm clothes, children shared their toys, retired people gave their savings. We need to thank our people for this attitude.

Mukhammetkaliy Abulgaziev
