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IAC announces cause of Boeing 747 crash in Kyrgyzstan in 2017

The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) completed an investigation into the crash of a Boeing 747 cargo aircraft near Bishkek in January 2017. A report published by the organization says.

Cause of the crash was «the lack of control by the crew over the position of the aircraft relative to the glide path when performing an automatic landing approach at night, and, as a result, failure to take timely measures to carry out a go around with significant deviations from the established approach.» This ultimately led to a collision with the ground.

IAC experts note that several factors contributed to the accident, including insufficient preliminary preparation of the crew for the flight to Manas airdrome, failure to take effective measures for descending the aircraft and entry into the established approach pattern with the crew’s knowledge (understanding) of the actual position of the aircraft above the established pattern.

Increased psycho-emotional stress of the crew members due to the difficult conditions of approach (night, long working hours) and the inability for a long time to eliminate deviations in flight altitude also had their effect.

«In addition, the stress level could increase due to the emotional discussion by the crew members of the instructions and actions of the specialists of the air traffic control service. The instructions and actions of air traffic control specialists were in line with established technologies and schemes,» the IAC says.

Recall, a Boeing-747-400F cargo plane operated by ACT Airlines (MyCargo), chartered by Turkish Airlines, made a flight from Hong Kong to Istanbul on January 16, 2017. The plane was supposed to land at Bishkek airport, but crashed while landing. As a result, 35 citizens of Kyrgyzstan — residents of Dachi-SU village — and 4 crew members — Turkish citizens — were killed.
