Parliament deputies ask to consider amendments to the legislation that will allow purchasing medicines and medical products through international organizations. Aibar Sultangaziyev, representative of Partner Network Association, said this today at a press conference in news agency.
In Kazakhstan, for example, the annual course of treatment for HIV cost $ 2,000, and after the transfer of purchases through international organizations, the cost of treatment decreased 10 times, they saved 4 billion tenge.
Aibar Sultangaziyev
Ilim Sydykov, an independent procurement expert, added that the procurement procedure in the
Another plus — the procurement procedure is carried out according to the rules of these international organizations, which means that we exclude interest and corruption phenomena.
Ilim Sydykov
Aibar Sultangaziyev noted that currently there are three draft laws on amendments to the law On Public Procurements initiated by the government and the deputies under consideration of the Parliament. On December 19, they will be considered in the second reading. «In order to effectively spend budget funds and eradicate corruption, we propose to consider our amendments,» he concluded.