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Language courses to facilitate integration of immigrants in Kyrgyzstan

A report on the contribution of immigrants to the economy of Kyrgyzstan was presented in Bishkek today.

It is noted that since the independence, the Kyrgyz Republic is known as the country of emigration, but about 4 percent of the population was born outside the present national territory. And the country continues to attract new immigrants.

According to the report, the contribution of immigrants could be improved by improving the existing policy, in particular, it is necessary to detect and eliminate gaps in their integration.

«For example, providing of language courses will facilitate the integration of those who don’t speak any of the local languages. One could monitor the consequences of the recent change in the requirements for investor visas. Strengthening of coordination between the ministries, as well as national and local authorities in the Kyrgyz Republic will allow the development of an agreed political agenda,» the report says.
