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Kyrgyzstan intends to ban parking on roadways

Amendments to the laws of Kyrgyzstan on Road Traffic, on Roads and on Urban Development and Architecture were submitted for public discussion.

The initiator of amendments is deputy Aitmamat Nazarov (Kyrgyzstan faction). According to him, traffic jams form on city roads in the morning and in the evening jams because of the narrowing of the roadways.

The narrowing of roads occurs because of the paid and spontaneous parking lots on the roadways. Local government bodies to the detriment of security pursue a policy of commercializing the roads. Therefore, it is proposed to create parking only outside the roadway of streets.

Aitmamat Nazarov

The document proposes to take into account the organization of available parking spaces in the design, construction and commissioning of facilities.

In addition, for the registration of vehicles registered abroad and operated in the Kyrgyz Republic, the draft law proposes to register them temporarily and specify the address for temporary registration of owners on the territory of our country.

When leaving the republic, in the absence of arrears of fines and other payments in the territory of Kyrgyzstan, this transport is automatically withdrawn from the temporary registration.

«In order to compensate for the deterioration of road surfaces and pollution of the airspace of the republic, the draft proposes payment of the transport tax in case the car stays on the territory of Kyrgyzstan for more than 10 days,» background statement says.
