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226,616 people voted in Kyrgyzstan as of 10.00 am

At least 226,616 people have voted in Kyrgyzstan as of 10.00 am, that is 7.49% of the total number of voters included in the list. The Chairwoman of the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda Nurzhan Shayldabekova said at a press conference.

The head of the CEC noted the good activity of the voters.

«The largest activity of voters was observed in Sulukta (more than 13 percent) and Karakol (over 12 percent). Also, high activity of citizens was recorded in Osh and Jalal-Abad, where over 10 percent of people have voted,» Nurzhan Shayldabekova added.

At least 29,967 people have voted in Bishkek, or 7.02%; in Jalal-Abad — 38,503, or 7.06 %; in Issyk-Kul region — 20,947, or 8.08%, in Naryn region — 13,078, or 8.08%; in Osh region — 43,629, or 7.4 %; in Talas region — 10,985, or 8.44%; in Chui region — 33,942 voters, or 6,019%.
