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Kyrgyzstanis take 98th place in World happiness report-2017

Kyrgyzstanis took the 98th place in the World happiness report-2017. The data is taken from the rating published by the British magazine The Spectator.

The authors of the study seek to establish how satisfied with their lives are the population in 155 countries around the world. Six factors were taken into account: GDP per capita, life expectancy, social support in difficult situations, trust (to the government), perceived people’s freedom to make decisions about their lives, and generosity (estimated in terms of the amount of charity donations made people in recent times).

Of the countries of the former Soviet Union, Russia’s residents are the happiest — 49th;

Lithuania — 52nd place;

Latvia — 54th place;

Moldova — 56th place;

Turkmenistan — 59th place;

Kazakhstan — 60th place;

Belarus — 67th place;

Azerbaijan — 85th place;

Tajikistan — 96th place;

Armenia — 121st place;

Georgia — 125th place;

Ukraine — 132nd place.

The first place in the list is occupied by Norwegians, the second and third — citizens of Denmark and Iceland. The USA took the 14th place, the United Kingdom — the 15th. Turkey and China received 69th and 79th places.

«Happy countries are those states that have a healthy balance between material well-being in the form in which it is usually calculated and social capital, which implies a high degree of trust in society, a low level of inequality and trust in the government,» Jeffrey Sachs said.
