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Prime Minister instructs to prevent business in helping victims in Chon-Alai

Prime Minister Sooronbay Jeenbekov instructed to prevent business in the sale of building materials to those affected by the earthquake in Chon-Alai district. He said this at a government meeting, where the issue of the activities of state bodies in the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations was considered.

According to the head of the Cabinet, some villages of the district are located 300 km from the regional center. The Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Emergency Situations to assist in the centralized delivery of cement and reinforcement.

«Chon-Alai is far away. If everyone delivers himself, it will be very expensive, so it’s necessary to organize a centralized delivery. People don’t ask to give free of charge, they will buy, but they need to be delivered at шеы cost, and not to allow business there," Sooronbay Jeenbekov said.

The plenipotentiary representative of the government in Osh region said that as of today the affected residents of the district received applications for 2,000 tons of cement, and asked for help with the equipment.

«Don’t touch me, I will not touch you» — this won’t happen again. All of you will answer, I say openly. «I said, I gave the order, I talked about resettlement, had three meetings…» — it’s not going to take place anymore. In the future, there shouldn’t be such catastrophes in Kyrgyzstan. If there is a threat, we must resettle, temporarily," Sooronbay Jeenbekov said.

He also instructed to speed up the development of the draft law for the precise determining of those responsible for the prevention of emergencies.

I get criticism both in the parliament, and from the president, and no one else answers. You don’t want to hear criticism, just want to hear praise in your address.

Sooronbay Jeenbekov
