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MFA responds to accusations of MP Maliev against Embassy in Germany

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan commented on the statement by the deputy of the Parliament Arslanbek Maliev about violations in the work of the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan in Germany when considering the applications from citizens A. Aldoukhova and U. Ditterbrant for visas.

The ministry emphasized that these citizens applied for a visa to the Kyrgyz Republic through the Electronic Visa portal, and not through the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Germany.

In fact, in response to the request of MP Arslanbek Maliev for assistance in the visa process, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided him with clarifications regarding the procedure for obtaining electronic visas, as well as information on the cost and terms of consideration of applications of foreign citizens.

The ministry also added that the applications of these citizens were repeatedly considered and all applications were processed in accordance with the legislation of Kyrgyzstan.

MP Arslanbek Maliev accused employees of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Germany of corruption.
