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Magnetic resonance imaging scanner installed at Oncology Center in Bishkek

The National Center of Oncology and Hematology of Kyrgyzstan is expanding its diagnostic capabilities with the opening of a new MRI room.

The Center announced the opening of a modern magnetic resonance imaging room designed to diagnose and monitor oncological and hematological diseases.

«For the first time in many years of operation, an expert-class United Imaging uMR 588 magnetic resonance imaging scanner with a magnetic field induction of 1.5 Tesla has been installed in the center. A distinctive feature of the device is the uCS platform, which ensures the efficient use of data compression technology for routine studies. With the help of combined compressed scanning, information collection and image reconstruction are optimized, the speed of imaging increases, and quality improves.

The MRI scanner clearly visualizes all subtle and dynamic changes, identifies abnormalities in real time. «It provides intelligent examination without the need to manually move the patient’s table and replace coils, which significantly simplifies the work process and improves it as a whole,» the center’s representative said.

It is noted that this expands the range of services provided. It will enable patients to receive more accurate and reliable examination results necessary for the timely detection and effective treatment of various diseases.

The technique reveals almost any changes, especially tumor metastases. The procedure is able to detect pathology even in the early stages, when anatomical or functional disorders have not yet manifested themselves.

According to the director of the center Nurbek Bukuyev, the work of the MRI room will be a significant step in improving the quality of diagnosis and treatment.

«We are constantly striving to improve our medical services and infrastructure to provide patients with access to the most advanced diagnostic and treatment methods,» he added.
