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Inspections of private medical clinics, dental offices to be resumed in Bishkek

It is planned to resume raid inspections of private medical clinics and dental offices in Bishkek. The press center of the Ministry of Health reported.

The minister Alymkadyr Beishenaliev held an offsite meeting with employees of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the capital.

The meeting participants touched upon the growth of infectious diseases in Bishkek, in particular, influenza, acute respiratory infections, viral hepatitis, measles and other issues.

«As a result of the meeting, it was proposed to resume, from January 15, 2024, raid inspections to detect private medical clinics, centers and dental offices that do not have a license to carry out medical activities, private kindergartens and schools for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards and the availability of vaccination cards in accordance with the order of the Health Ministry. Inspections of public catering facilities are also planned for the presence of health books and compliance with sanitary standards,» the press center stressed.
