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Number of ARVI cases increases by almost a quarter for week

The number of ARVI cases increased by almost a quarter for a week. The Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan reported.

According to operational data, 4,665 cases of ARVI and 1 case of clinically diagnosed influenza were registered in the republic. There is an increase in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections by 23.9 percent compared to the previous week. Of all the cases, 64.2 percent are children under 14 (2,869 cases).

During the reporting week, 1 case of COVID-19 was registered.

The ministry recalled that with the onset of cold weather, an increase in cases of non-influenza viral infections, such as parainfluenza, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus and others is registered.

Prevention of respiratory infections is carried out in two types — specific (vaccination) and nonspecific one. To prevent influenza, 90,666 doses of the influenza vaccine Grippol Plus were purchased, 87,110 people from risk groups have been vaccinated.

Vaccination on a paid basis is carried out in seven private medical centers in Bishkek: Malysh, Krokha, Polyclinic 312, KG, TsADMIR, Intermedical, Avicenna.

To prevent ARVI, you have to follow simple rules:

  • Comply with the mask regime and observe social distancing;
  • Maintain respiratory hygiene: cover mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with tissues;
  • Comply with sanitary and hygienic measures (hand hygiene, regular ventilation of premises, wet cleaning and others).
  • Maintain a study and rest regime, not overwork, spend more time in the fresh air, get enough sleep and eat well;
  • Do morning exercises and exercise.

 If a child develops symptoms of ARVI, there is no need to send him or her to school or kindergarten until they recover.
