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Increase in ARVI incidence registered in Kyrgyzstan

An increase in incidence of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) is registered in Kyrgyzstan. The Department of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance reported.

According to it, weekly monitoring of the incidence of influenza, ARVI and coronavirus infection is carried out.

In the 36th week of 2023 (from September 4 to September 10), 2,842 cases of ARVI were registered throughout the republic. Compared to the previous week, there was an increase in the incidence of 30.4 percent.

Of all the cases, 67.3 percent are children under 14 (1,900 cases).

«ARVI can be provoked by unstable weather, which weakens body’s immune system. At the same time, adults who get infected with acute respiratory viral infections often do not stay in bed and, if sanitary and hygienic measures are not observed, they infect their children and other family members,» doctors note.

One of the ways to prevent influenza is vaccination.