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House heated with coal emits about 130 kilograms of pollutants per season

About 130 kilograms of pollutants per season is emitted by one house heated by coal. Nurlan Sharsheyev, head of the regional department Bishkek — Alamedin of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Technical Supervision, presented this data at a briefing.

The official stressed that these are his own calculations, not the official data of the department.

«On average, it takes about 3 tons of coal to heat a house for a season. About 0.043 tons (43 kilograms) of pollutants are formed from one ton of B coal. Thus, 129 kilograms are emitted per season,» he said.

In the near future, the plan is to supply more than 28,000 households with gas, which will significantly reduce emissions by almost 3,600 tons.

Nurlan Sharsheyev

At the same time, he noted that not all homeowners in the areas supplied with gas switch to gas heating. The reason is the cost of the equipment. «It is hard for socially vulnerable groups. It was proposed to make preferential lending: for houses up to 150 square meters at 8 percent, for more than this area — at 12 percent. The document has been sent to the Cabinet for signing,» he said.
