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Heat tariffs for non-domestic consumers proposed to be changed in Kyrgyzstan

The Department for Regulation of Fuel and Energy Complex under the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic proposes to amend the current tariff policy for heating and hot water. The document has been submitted for public discussion.

The department wants to change the cost of heat and hot water for industrial, budgetary and other consumers. Now they pay 2,052 soms for heat and 117 soms per cubic meter of hot water. Tariffs are adjusted annually taking into account the level of actual inflation for the previous year. It is planned to abandon this norm.

Tariffs are proposed to be set at the level of the cost of heat energy.

Such a norm is to be approved in order to introduce the principles of self-sufficiency of the energy sector, as well as for the annual improvement of the main indicators of the energy sector in conditions of money shortage.

The rates remain unchanged for the population. They will also pay 1,248 soms for one gigacalorie of heat and 72 soms for hot water according to the metering device or 345 soms according to the consumption norm in the absence of a meter.
