USD 87.45
EUR 90.16
RUB 0.85

Mailuu-Suu electric bulb plant to be supported by state

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov signed a decree on provision of state support to the city-forming enterprise and further development of the lighting technology industry, as well as the social and economic situation of Mailuu-Suu in Jalal-Abad region.

In accordance with the Law on Public Procurement, the Cabinet of Ministers was instructed within a month to establish requirements for state bodies, organizations and state institutions financed from the republican budget, local government bodies financed from the local budget, organizations that have special accounts and funds, as well as other legal entities created at the expense of state funds, funds of state bodies or local governments, on the procurement of goods directly from Mailuu-Suu electric bulb plant JSC using a single source method.

State and municipal enterprises, joint-stock companies in which the state share in the authorized capital is 50 percent or more, including their subsidiaries, are recommended to purchase goods from the Mailuu-Suu electric bulb plant.

The list of goods produced by this enterprise includes light bulbs of different wattage and modification.
