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Emergency situation in Mailuu-Suu: Criminal case initiated

«Causes of the emergency situation in Mailuu-Suu will be carefully studied. The prosecutor’s office has already initiated a criminal case, the perpetrators will be held accountable,» said Akylbek Japarov, Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The head of the Cabinet arrived in Jalal-Abad region and immediately went to Mailuu-Suu, where emergency situation has been declared since January 13. Pipes of the water supply system froze there due to severe frosts. As a result, the supply of heat and clean water to residential buildings was stopped.

Akylbek Japarov got acquainted with the progress of repair and restoration work on heating networks and listened to the report on the measures taken by local authorities together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations to provide the local population with drinking water and heat. He instructed to conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances of the breakdown on the water supply system and find the reasons why the city communications were not prepared for the coming winter.

The Chairman of the Cabinet also instructed to provide humanitarian aid to assist low-income families and draw up a list of families to provide them with water heaters.

He visited apartments left without heating, met with local residents.

«The situation in which you find yourself in these abnormally cold weather is blatant. You are not alone. We are doing everything possible to resume the supply of heat and water as soon as possible. Additional transformers have been installed, and water is delivered to each house in turns,» Akylbek Japarov said.

20 million soms will be allocated from the budget for the repair work.

Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations Urmatbek Shamyrkanov said that the wear of heating pipelines was more than 70 percent. Operational repair teams are involved in repairing damages on heating networks.