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Digital nomad: Economy Ministry tells who can get new status

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic adopted a temporary regulation on awarding the status of digital nomad to foreign citizens and stateless persons, which provides the most favorable regime for specialists relocating to Kyrgyzstan. The Ministry of Economy and Commerce of Kyrgyzstan reported.

The status will allow citizens of a number of countries to stay in Kyrgyzstan without registration at the place of residence and work permits, and facilitates interaction with government agencies.

«The trend towards an increase in the number of the so-called «digital nomads» in the world is gaining momentum. People can work from anywhere in the world as long as they only need a computer and good high speed Internet. During the pandemic, the practice of remote work has singled out and formed a certain cluster of specialists who do not need to be in office. Many of them work for several companies,» the Minister of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic, Daniyar Amangeldiev, said.

Creation of favorable conditions for the relocation of such people in Kyrgyzstan is the goal of this regulatory initiative.

Daniyar Amangeldiev

One of the steps to implement the provision was the development of a guide at the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic — step-by-step detailed instructions on obtaining the status of «digital nomad». It gives detailed answers to the main questions that potential migrants have. Holder of this status is exempted from registration at the place of residence in the territory of Kyrgyzstan, from the need to obtain a work permit, automatically receives a personal identification number and much more.

Benefits of the status are concretized in the guide.

Citizens of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Russia working in the field of digital technologies can apply for the status of «digital nomad». The instruction gives a clear idea of ​​what professions are included in this list, where to apply, in what form, how long to wait for an answer, and much more.

«Kyrgyzstan can become a country where it will be convenient and pleasant for digital nomads to work. This is beneficial in terms of developing the country’s tourism potential, investment prospects and creating new jobs. The regulation helps to streamline and simplify many of the nuances of the interaction of «digital nomads» with the state. Our guide will become a guide for people seeking to obtain this status,» said Musa Kataganov, head of the Business Environment Department of the ministry.
