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1,119 people get Digital Nomad status for six months in Kyrgyzstan

At least 1,119 people obtained the status of a Digital Nomad in Kyrgyzstan for six months. The Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Migration reported.

The ministry recalled that Digital Nomad pilot project to attract highly qualified personnel to the country and develop high-tech sectors of the economy has been implemented since September.

Citizens of six countries can obtain the status: Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Moldova, who work in the fields of software development, media and digital art, graphic and multimedia design, creation of IT products, artificial intelligence and robotics, computer and mobile games, eSports.

An application for the status is submitted through the electronic portal ework.e-gov.kg. A total of 2,989 applications were received. Some of them are pending or were denied due to lack of necessary documents.
