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Employees of Kyrgyz Temir Zholu accused of theft

A railway line was stolen from a businesswoman Linara Mazunova. Lawyer Nina Zotova announced it at a press conference at 24.kg news agency.

According to her, investigator of the Internal Affairs Department of Leninsky district refused to initiate a criminal case twice.

«Linara Mazunova purchased a land plot with a railway line about 60 meters long with rails and sleepers. She worked with the supply of scrap metal. There are all the documents confirming the ownership of Linara Mazunova, but the State Property Fund, on the basis of some certificate, claims that this land belongs to the state. On March 7, my client went to her land plot to additionally measure the railway line. She saw that this section of the line had been stolen. According to operations officer, the section was taken by the employees of Kyrgyz Temir Zholu state enterprise. Mazunova wrote a statement to the police, but the investigator refuses to open a criminal case. The prosecutor’s office canceled this decision twice due to the fact that there was no pre-trial check,» Nina Zotova said.

The lawyer suggested that the investigator did not open a criminal case on the fact of the theft of the railway, because he was afraid of high-ranking officials of Kyrgyz Temir Zholu and the State Property Fund.

«Employees of Kyrgyz Temir Zholu state enterprise dismantled access road No. 298, which was adjacent to the railway line of Linara Mazunova and through which she received wagons. I believe that this was done in order to make it difficult to prove where is the part of the land plot of the state, and where is Mazunova’s, » Nina Zotova added.
