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Kyrgyzstanis can purchase real estate in Uzbekistan without residence permit

The Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution «On approval of the list of foreign states, citizens of which have the right to purchase new real estate objects under construction in the Republic of Uzbekistan.» Norma.uz reports.

Citizens of 108 countries, including Kyrgyzstan, can reportedly purchase real estate in Uzbekistan without a permanent residence permit (with the exception of land plots).

The document also says that new real estate objects include:

  • Objects, the construction of which has already been started, but they are not accepted for use;
  • Objects having a decision of the regional (city) khokim on the approval of the act of a commission on the acceptance for use of a completed building, structure, residential building;
  • Objects, the right of ownership for which has arisen on the basis of a permit to use the object with completed construction and installation works;
  • Objects from the date of acceptance for use of which no more than three years have passed.