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118 children suffer from sexual violence in Kyrgyzstan in 2021

There are 110,000 low-income families in Kyrgyzstan, where approximately 349,000 children live. The draft program for the protection of children for 2022-2026, which the Ministry of Labor submitted for public discussion, says.

It is noted that 2,456 million children live in the country that is 36.5 percent of the total population. The vast majority (68 percent) of them live in rural areas.

Poverty, the level of which was 25.3 percent, and child poverty — 31.8 percent (833,900 children), is the main obstacle in the development of the growing generation, limits their access to education and health care, increases the likelihood of violence against children and their involvement in criminal organizations.

In 2021, more than 2,000 children became victims of crime. Most of them were registered in Bishkek — 1,330, in Chui region — 382, ​​in Osh — 232 and the city of Osh — 197. Some 222 children suffered from physical violence, 118 were sexually abused.

According to the Ministry of Labor, the main objectives of the program are to improve the legal framework in the field of protection of the rights and interests of children, develop partnerships between state and public institutions, all citizens to ensure the protection of the rights and interests of the child, prevention of violations of the rights and legitimate interests of minors, as well as their discrimination.
