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Drought shrinks wheat crop by 38 percent in Kyrgyzstan

Drought caused reduction of grain harvest by 38 percent in the republic, but a grain shortage should not be expected. The Minister of Agriculture of Kyrgyzstan Askarbek Dzhanybekov announced at a briefing in Bishkek.

«Harvest of food grains, including seeds and feed wheat, barley dropped by 38 percent. But this will not influence the physical volume of food wheat on the market. On average, one Kyrgyzstani consumes 115 kilograms per year. There is physical volume, there is no need to worry. Milling wheat is imported since the import VAT has been zeroed. A trilateral agreement was also signed between the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economy and domestic millers. According to it, each miller undertook to keep at least 2,000 tons of food wheat in stock in their warehouses. The necessary volumes are also available in the warehouses of the State Material Reserves Fund,» he said.

Agricultural producers have faced serious problems this year due to low water period and drought. According to officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, a tangible reduction in the yield of all types of crops was registered.
