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Repeat elections: Interior Ministry receives 40 reports of violations

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan received 40 reports on violations of electoral legislation, 32 of them — in Bishkek, 2 — in Osh, and 6 — in Tokmak. Sultan Makilov, head of the Investigation Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, told at a briefing.

«Six facts were registered as crimes, and two — as misconducts. Investigative measures are being taken on the rest,» he said.

Sultan Makilov added that until the day of silence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs had registered 59 facts of violations. «At least 23 of them were registered as crimes and 9 as misconducts. Notifications of suspicion were handed to six citizens in Osh city: three candidates and three representatives of parties, in Bishkek — two notifications to representatives of parties. Their cases will be sent to court in the coming days. Two criminal cases have already been sent to court in Osh city,» he said.

The head of the service did not name the political organizations, referring to the secrecy of the investigation.

Repeat elections of deputies of City Councils are held today in Bishkek, Osh and Tokmak cities. Almost 12.5 percent of voters have voted as of 12.00.
