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At least 1,200 schools in Kyrgyzstan to get new computers

First Vice Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Artem Novikov met with the World Bank Country Manager for KyrgyzstanNaveed Naqvi.

He thanked the World Bank for assistance in combatting consequences of the economic crisis and implementation of measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection.

It was noted that 1,200 schools will receive 25,000 units of modern computer equipment in the near future within the framework of joint projects. As part of School Medicine project, installation of computed tomography scanners in the Republican Hospital will be speeded up, the issue of equipping medical rooms in schools is being worked out, and projects to support agriculture, small and medium-sized businesses have been discussed.

Artem Novikov noted that there would be no delays in implementation of projects on the part of the government.
