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Health Ministry studies community immunity to COVID-19 in Kyrgyzstan

The Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan has completed the first stage of a seroepidemiologic study of the population for coronavirus infection. It was held from July to October 2020. The Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Control over Viral Infections told about the results.

In the republic as a whole, the percentage of people with antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 virus reached 30.8 percent by the beginning of August.

A high level of seroprevalence to this virus was registered in Naryn (62.7 percent), Chui (50.3 percent), Talas (49 percent), Issyk-Kul (46 percent) regions and Bishkek (52.2 percent).

Low rates of detection of antibodies to the virus were registered in the south of the country — in Batken (13 percent), Jalal-Abad (13 percent) and Osh (16.3 percent) regions, as well as in Osh (14.6 percent).

«The low percentage of antibodies in the population of the southern regions is explained by the fact that tests in these regions were taken in early July, when antibodies just began to be produced. In the northern regions, the tests were taken in late July and early August,» the center explained.

An analysis of the dynamics of the incidence showed that in October there was an increase in infection in the regions with a low percentage of community immunity.

«According to preliminary data, persons with antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 virus had clinical manifestations of COVID-19 in 70.8 percent of cases, 22 percent of them sought medical help, only 6 percent were hospitalized,» the experts said.

The aim of the study is to study community immunity to COVID-19 in the population of the Kyrgyz Republic, depending on gender, age and geographical distribution. It will continue. Its results will give answers to many questions that contribute to stepping up measures on combatting coronavirus infection in the republic.
