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Activists, politicians demand to lower electoral threshold to 1 percent

Activists hold a picket in Bishkek demanding to lower the electoral threshold from 7 to 1 percent. About 10 people gathered on the central Ala-Too square.

«The elections should be popular, like on February 23, 1990 to the legendary parliament. Then doctors, teachers, scientists were elected as deputies. All subsequent ones were usurped by the oligarchs. We believe that the restrictions imposed do not allow ordinary people to come to power. We demand to abolish the electoral deposit for parties and lower the threshold to 1 percent as it was done in Georgia,» organizer of the picket, Erkin Bulekbaev, told.

Yesterday the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan postponed the date of the repeat parliamentary elections. The date of the elections will be set after the constitutional reform in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, but not later than June 1, 2021.
