USD 87.00
EUR 90.63
RUB 0.79

U.S. dollar appreciates by 30 tyiyns for a day in Kyrgyzstan

Exchange rate of the U.S. dollar has grown by 30 more tyiyns for the last 24 hours and reached 79.5 soms in Kyrgyzstan.

Today the American currency is bought for 79-79.1 soms, and sold for 79.4-79.5 soms.

The nominal rate was set by the National Bank at 78,7273 soms (0.15 percent growth).

The Russian ruble remains relatively stable. It is bought for 1.03-1,037 soms, and sold for 1,045-1,055 soms. The official exchange rate is 1,0364 soms (0.35 percent drop).
