USD 87.00
EUR 90.63
RUB 0.79

220 tourist attractions in Issyk-Kul region stand empty during 2020 season

At least 220 tourist facilities in Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan were unable to work due to the lack of clients during the current tourist season. Elchibek Dzhantaev, First Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government in the region, said at a briefing.

According to him, 313 tourist attractions and recreation areas worked and received guests.

«We didn’t have any tourists at all in winter. In 2019, Issyk-Kul has received 1,268 million tourists, 212,000 of whom were foreigners. This year, were hoped only for domestic tourists. But due to the difficult epidemiological situation, the number of tourists has decreased significantly. More than 200 tourist attractions on the shore have not opened at all,» Elchibek Dzhantaev said.
