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Peaceful rally for women's rights to be held in Bishkek

Unprecedentedly brutal crackdown of the women’s march of solidarity on March 8 provoked outrage of Kyrgyzstanis. Participants of the peaceful rally were attacked by unknown persons in ak-kalpaks and masks, but the police began to detain the women, not provocateurs. Bishkek residents intend to gather at the monument to Urkuya in protest and defending their constitutional rights. Its organizers told 24.kg news agency.

The peaceful rally is scheduled for March 10 and will begin at 12.00.

According to its initiators, one cannot respect the rights of some citizens of the country and violate the rights of the others. Many were outraged by the impunity of the unknown men who attacked the march participants.

The organizers of the upcoming rally stress that women intend to declare equality and protection of their rights. The disruption of the women’s march occurred also due to the fact that provocateurs spread deliberately false information, replacing the slogans of the campaign. The women’s march of solidarity was organized against violence. The participants had no other slogans. It is worth noting that several Kyrgyz women died as a result of domestic violence in January 2020 alone.

Recall, Bishkek Feminist Initiatives organization planned to hold a march of solidarity on March 8. Activists began to gather on Victory Square. But the members of Kyrk Choro movement disrupted the rally, having organized provocations. Police officers arrived at the scene and detained participants of the peaceful rally. About 50 people were taken to the police department. Participants received bruises and other injuries. The brutal crackdown of the peaceful rally took place against the backdrop of officials’ statements that «all the efforts of the authorities are aimed at ensuring women’s confidence in the future.»
