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U.S. Embassy demonstrates air quality monitor in Bishkek

The U.S. Embassy presented an air quality monitor installed on the territory of the diplomatic mission. It measures the particle content PM 2.5 and shows the air quality index. The same devices are installed in countries of Central Asia and 57 cities of the world.

The monitor began to work at the beginning of the year, but its official launch took place at the Embassy the day before. As the head of the U.S. diplomatic mission, Donald Lu informed that this week is the Air Quality Awareness Week.

He told that he grew up in Los Angeles — the city of the United States with the most heavily polluted air.

«I remember the days when it was difficult to breathe. To reduce pollution, city officials introduced green technologies, improved fuel quality, and began working with the private sector. The air quality in Los Angeles is much better today,» he said.

The diplomat added that the U.S. supported initiatives aimed at improving air quality and preserving the environment.

«We organize expert visits to discuss new technologies and air improvement laws. While people in Kyrgyzstan are arguing about development of uranium deposits, we joined the European partners and pledged to provide $ 2 million for the republic’s initiative to clean up the dangerous uranium tailings left from the Soviet era. We also support waste management, environmental youth clubs and environmentally responsible agriculture,» he said.

Donald Lu told that the Government of Kyrgyzstan announced purchase of modern high-tech air quality monitors to help the public and government agencies take measures to improve the air quality in Bishkek.

The head of the General Department of the U.S. Embassy, ​​Michael Shir, noted that the acquisition, installation and calibration of the monitor cost more than $ 150,000.

«The system works automatically. The monitor is approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. There are two PM 2.5 solids collection units. Data is collected continuously and transmitted to servers in the United States. Then, using a special form, we obtain an air quality index,» he stressed.

The air quality index can be used, for example, when planning outdoor activities. If it is high, it is recommended to reduce the time for active actions. People with cardiovascular, pulmonary diseases, asthma have to pay attention to the indicators. They are at greater risk from particle contamination. Although poor air quality affects the health of everyone.

Data can be found in real time at www.airnow.gov
