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Scandal with reanimobiles. Kyrgyzstan left without vehicles

Scandal with reanimation ambulance cars came to a logical end. The Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan held the last meeting on this issue.

«It was decided to write a letter of claim to the supplier with a demand to return the received 80 percent of the advance payment, and take the cars for alteration and re-arrangement. Ambulances in this form will definitely not be accepted. Lawyers are preparing claims,» head of the cars’ acceptance team, head doctor of the Emergency Medical Care Center of Bishkek, Iskender Shayakhmetov, told.

Germany allocated a grant of €1.18 million to Kyrgyzstan to purchase 15 ambulances and equipment for them. The supply contract was signed in March 2017. Cars were cleared only in December, but not a single ambulance has been put in operation so far.

Created commission revealed a number of inconsistencies in the technical parameters during an inspection. International experts concluded that 8 out of 15 cars can still be accepted after the elimination of deficiencies.

Samat Toimatov, head of the Directorate for Organization of Medical Care and Drug Policy at the Ministry of Health, who attended a pre-shipment inspection of vehicles in the UAE in September 2017, was dismissed.
